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The Development of the Warehouse Management System

The client faced significant operational inefficiencies in their warehouse management system. The core of the existing project was built on ASP.Net MVC 5, with MS SQL Server as the database backbone, utilizing ORM Dapper for database interactions. The primary challenge involved implementing a time-tracking system for order processing by warehouse workers, complete with authentication and an admin panel for tracking management history.
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Project Management Services for E-commerce Project

Through our comprehensive project management services, we have not only contributed to the smooth functioning of the customer platform but also to its growth and adaptation in the fast-evolving e-commerce space. The success of the projecr as a clear indicator of our capability to manage and propel technology-based projects in dynamic and demanding markets.
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Enginerasoft's Development of the "Hydrogen Delivered Lifecycle Analysis Tool"

Enginerasoft took on the ambitious project of creating a comprehensive web tool for CATF, named the "Hydrogen Delivered Lifecycle Analysis Tool" (H2DLAT). This tool stands out as a pioneering solution in analyzing the full lifecycle emissions of hydrogen, covering everything from production to transportation.
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Multimodal Shipping Calculator for a Logistics Client

The client was facing challenges in calculating logistics deliveries. Traditionally, these calculations were done manually using Excel spreadsheets, a time-consuming and error-prone process. Our software development team crafted a multimodal shipping calculator. This tool represents our expertise in the domain of logistics software solutions.
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Online Hydrogen Financial Calculator Development

Our team developed an online hydrogen calculator capable of fulfilling calculations of any complexity using various spreadsheet platforms such as Excel files, Google Spreadsheets, MS Office Online Excel, Open Office, and Mac OS Numbers. Our primary objective was to create a user-friendly tool that would enable users to estimate production costs for low-carbon and electrolytic hydrogen and ammonia.
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Advanced User Data Synchronization Application

The  user synchronization application enables the copying of users from one Azure AD tenant to other tenants, while providing the flexibility to configure specific user groups for synchronization. To simplify the configuration process, we designed and developed a dedicated web portal where administrators could conveniently manage all the required settings.
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Software Integration for Zoho and Protractor

Our customer approached us with a request for integration services between two essential applications they use in their business operations: Zoho and Protractor. These applications play a crucial role in organizing their automotive shop operations and managing customer relationships.
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Software Customization for the Revit Application

The customer approached us with a request for software customization services for the Revit application. Revit is a highly popular software tool used by architects, engineers, and construction professionals to create precise parametric 3D models.
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College Counseling Assistant Development

Choosing the ideal college is a momentous decision, and the financial aspect is a vital factor in the process. Our dedicated team worked tirelessly to craft a holistic solution, college counseling assistant, that gathers essential financial data from each college program and consolidates it into a powerful metric.
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Alexa Mode Integration into HTD Audio Systems

Through extensive redesign and collaboration with the Chinese manufacturer, we successfully integrated Alexa into the HTD audio system. By leveraging a mobile application and the cloud, we created a comprehensive ecosystem that allowed for seamless communication between Alexa, our application, and the audio system.
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Streamlining Fish Auctions Data through Integration with Customer CRM System

The client presented us with the challenge of integrating their web-based financial system with the Norwegian fish auction houses, namely NRS and RSF. The goal of this integration is to streamline the data collection process from the auction house systems and convert it into transactions.
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Home Audio App Development

The client came to us with an outdated mobile app that controls home audio systems. The app was plagued by over 200 bugs and had limited functionality making it difficult to use. Our task was to revive the app by enhancing it with essential features and ensuring stability for seamless operation.
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Fitness App Development

We successfully delivered a high-quality fitness app that met all of our client's requirements. Our team's dedication to excellence and attention to detail allowed us to create a user-friendly and efficient application that exceeded expectations. The positive feedback we received from our client validates our hard work and commitment to providing top-notch services.
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Custom Loyalty System for E-commerce Business

Our team of experienced developers utilized the latest technologies and programming languages to design and implement a loyalty system that met the client's specific requirements. The system was designed to offer rich functionality, flexibility, and stable performance, ensuring a seamless experience for both businesses and their customers
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Data Backup for a Logistics Project

Within the framework of the project, we were also involved in building data backup functionality, as this is extremely important for the proper work of any service. Errors can happen and they can lead to a database crash. But using backups allows the restoration of essential business data and continuing stable system operations.
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Mobile Application Development for Custom CRM System

After collaborating, the Enginerasoft team was able to create a professional mobile tool that provides convenient overview and management for all company transactions.
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Stripe Integration

Like many companies, our client uses Stripe, where he manages dozens of accounts. In order to see summary statistics, gross revenue, and net revenue for these accounts, the client had to log into each account and manually record all values. It goes without saying that this was quite inconvenient, especially when the number of accounts increased.
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Clustering Geodata for Mobile Commerce Project

The customer came to us with an idea to develop a secure mobile app that provides cloud-based payments for gasoline and other goods at gas stations. One of the most challenging tasks of this project was connected to clustering geodata—convenient locations of gas stations on the map for two platforms: iOS and Android.
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Stripe Integration with Montepasso Application

Our company developed its own product called Montepasso that allows renting parking spaces and granting remote access through automatic barriers or gates. We also planned to add payment functionality—the possibility of paying for a parking lot (for renters) and easily withdrawing money (for parking lot owners).
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Custom CRM Development

During our collaboration, the Enginerasoft team was able to create a professional tool that provides convenient management and accounting for a variety of fish containers for rent while automating the workflow connected with calculations and invoice creation.
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Mobile Banking Application Development

The client approached us with a request to develop a mobile app that would help control finance from anywhere. We were entrusted with the development of the native Android and the native iOS versions of the app.
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Software development for real estate managers

During the collaboration, our team was able to develop a professional tool, that provides convenient property management and accounting for a variety of incoming real estate requests while automating the painstaking effort of collecting market data to send to potential customers.
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OpenSquiggly Platform Development

Our web team has significant experience in Minimum Viable Product development for start-up companies. As a result, we managed to complete the project related to the OpenSquiggly platform creation in 12 months. 
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TPS Gate Project

TPS Gate is a mobile application for residents of apartment complexes and drivers of taxi / delivery services, plus a web system that is used by property owners and managers of taxi / delivery services. This was a broad-scale project which involved the development of a large number of components from scratch.
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Development of the parking space rental automation service — Montepasso

Our professional team of engineers was involved in the development of the Montepasso web application, which is accessible and adaptable to any iOS or Android mobile device. Users do not need to download and install services from app markets such as Google Play or iStore. They can use the application from any web browser.
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In-Vehicle Payment Solution Development

During the development process, our team faced some integration challenges, as a variety of in-vehicle systems have significant differences in how data is collected and processed. Our extensive experience in building complex backend solutions guided us in developing a proper API that interacts with the hardware of the connected vehicle.
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Payment Systems Integration for Mobile Commerce Project

Within the frame of the mobile project, our team worked with a large number of payment system gateways. Our extensive expertise in this area enabled us to work with various APIs and their vaguely described features.
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White-Label Mobile App Customization Services

Thanks to the efforts and competencies of Enginerasoft, the mobile application has turned out to be very flexible; it is possible to customize the application and expand its functionality for various business needs. End-clients can also use the application under their own branding, as this is a pure white-label solution.
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Management System Development 

Our engineers started on the development of the admin section (management system). They made a more responsive design and added greater functionality.
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Development of mobile commerce and digital marketing app

Our engineers started with the development of the admin section (management system). They created a more responsive design and added new functionality.
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SpotVision Dashboard Development

Our web team was involved in the dashboard creation and managed to complete the project in 12 months. This management tool has rich functionality and displays the location of video surveillance cameras.
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Angular Development for a Market place

We improved the existing interface and introduced new features to the website functionality. Our solution covered all the technical requirements and provided the following opportunities.
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SpotVision Mobile App Development

SpotVision captures pictures from video surveillance cameras and feeds them to a machine learning service. This service recognizes vehicles in pictures and receives coordinates of their boundaries.
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E-commerce Live Chat Development

This live chat was developed for the e-commerce platform. Through the chat, communication between online store visitors and the support team could take place.
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User Web Portal Development

The Enginerasoft team was involved in the web portal creation. We covered all software development activities connected to the front-end and the back-end elements of the portal.
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E-learning Platform Development

Our team developed an e-learning platform that allows students to take video courses on various topics. It provides both paid and free content. The platform, called Courses, allows users to tag the lecturers who deliver the best quality content.
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